About us

Dear customers,

I would like to invite you to our fish restaurants Šupina and Šupinka and also our Šupina apartments.

Our restaurants and apartments are located at historical center of Třeboň in the middle of protected landscape area Třeboňsko, which is the main center and is very well known for being rich in ponds. Being rich in ponds means the destination is famous for it´s freshwater fish, the main product of the region.

The brand "Šupina and Šupinka" was founded 27 years ago and has been built by Müllers family since. In 1992 it has all started, my parents opened Šupina restaurant first. Few years after, at 1997, they opened second one, Šupinka. At 2006 I took the sceptre and I continue with family tradition and to keep good reputation of the restaurants. Since 2012 we offer acommodation for our guests at our apartments, we named them after local ponds - Láska, Víra, Naděje and Svět.

Except the brand, we founded another great product, it is original recepy for delicious "Carp chips" , we own trademark for this delicasy. It is important part of our menu and i can assure you, it is the only original recepy on the market.

This year, after COVID-19 hit us quite hard, i had no idea, mow much hassle it will bring to our business. Except economical impacts we had to solve few staff problems to keep our team together. During the main crisis, we "survived the storm" and we keep doing great job. As we say "what doesn´t kill you, makes you stronger".

I would love to say thank you to my team, to my receptionist Eliška Tisoňová and the manager Lukáš Jídlovec, who are representing me and we put all our effort to create the best for our customers.

We look forward for your visit in Třeboň!

Petr Müller

the Owner

We would be very pleased, if you could share your experience with us,